Innovator and Rover in the classroom
I have been been using the TI Innovator and Rover with both Primary and Secondary students (9 to 18 year olds) for over a year now.
Author: John Bament
Topic: Biologi , Datavetenskap , Matematik
Tags 2D-former , Vinklar , Kodning , Matematikens historia , Matematiskt tänkande , Nummerpussel , Mönster , Polygoner , Presentation , Programmering , Problemlösning , Sharing Inspiration 2019 , STEM , TI-Innovator , TI-Innovator Rover
In this Powerpoint I will share with you some of my students favorite TI-Hub activites.
The school context is O'Loughlin Catholic College, Darwin, Australia
All the programs are for the TI83/84, but are easily adaptable for the TI-Nspire. They are available at
You are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter @bamentj
Check on my YouTube channel for other resources/ideas
Creative Commons licence - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
Meer info: Creative Commons.