Profile Of : Frie Boon


Frie Boon

Bavel, The Netherlands

Frie began his career at Philips in the so-called Natuurkundig Laboratory in Eindhoven and worked on control systems and electromechanical designs of magnetic bearings stepper motors, linear motors, etc

During his work at Philips, he studied for a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering at the TU in Eindhoven. After 11 years working at Philips, he made a transfer to become a teacher at the technical high school AVANS in Breda. He taught a variety of disciplines such as Motion Control, Network Analysis, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Power Analysis, and more.

Working at AVANS he discovered the possibilities of the TI-83, TI-84 calculators as support for solving Electrical engineering problems and wrote many Ti-Basic programs.

For seven years, he combined his work at Avans with an engineering and research role at ASML in Veldhoven.

Electrical and Mechatronic Engineering programs for TI-84 family

On TI-Basic programs about Electrical and Mechatronic engineering, mathematics and control system theory for TI-84 Plus (CE) are discussed. Highschool & University level. Downl…


Author: Frie Boon

Topic:  Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science

Tags: Electric Engineering, Network analysis, Three-phase electric power, Electric Power, Transient response, Fourier transformation, Bode Diagram, Nyquist Diagram, Differential equations, Eigenvalues