Modelling Increase in Rainfall with Temperature

Rise in global temperature will lead to increase in rainfall. Thermodynamics helps to predict the future.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki

Author: Ian Galloway

Topic:  Physics, STEM, Mathematics

Tags: Pressure, Temperature, Rain, Sustainability, SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 13: Climate Action

Estimating the Earth’s Albedo

Earth’s albedo determines amount of solar radiation reflected by Earth’s surface. Carry out a lab exercise to measure Earth’s albedo using a light pro and coloured paper to resemble differe…

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki

Author: Armando Severino

Topic:  Mathematics, Physics

Tags: Data collection, Sustainability, Climate Change, SDG 13: Climate Action, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities