Compare the weather

Use data display and statistical calculations to investigate weather data for 20 world locations with very different climates.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Data, Climate, Sustainability

Hurricane force

Investigate data from weather stations including wind speeds in different units

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Environment, Exponential, Measures, STEM

What's in your breakfast?

Inequalities and data handling in the context of the nutritional content of breakfast cereals

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Mathematics, Biology

Tags: STEM, Inequalities, Data

Reaction times

Pose a question, set up an experiment and analyse your results using TI-Nspire.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Physics, STEM

Tags: STEM, Data

Patterns to Graphs

Experience the connection between a number pattern and its graph

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Patterns, Functions, Graphs

Introducing Trigonometry

Use interactive diagrams to investigate the ratio of two sides of a right-angled triangle.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Fiona Moir

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Trigonometry

Trig ratios in four quadrants

Use trig graphs to investigate the sin, cos and tan of angles in four quadrants.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Christopher Rath

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Trigonometry

A number plus its square

How many ways to solve problems such as "a number plus its square equals 16"?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Various topics

Barn and pen problem

A simple version of the maximum-area problem for younger students

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Area, Optimization

Parallelogram Area

Investigating and developing the area of a parallelogram dynamically.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Jon Skinner

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Area, Parallelogram

Triangle Area

Discovering the formula for the area of a triangle

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Jon Skinner

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Triangle, Area

Magic Squares

An investigation into the patterns found in Magic Squares.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Matthew Reames

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Arithmetic, Number puzzles

Perfect Pitch

Look for connections and patterns in the frequencies and wavelengths of sequences of musical notes

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Linda Tetlow

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Exponential, Patterns, STEM, Geometric series, Physics, Loci

The sheep-pen problem

Recognise a quadratic in a realistic context and solve an optimisation problem

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Quadratic, Perimeter, Area, Algebra

Pythagoras - two approaches

Areas of squares ...or lengths of sides, squared?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Pythagoras

How many squares?

Encourages a systematic approach when searching for solutions. (Works well with TI-Nspire Navigator)

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Andy Kemp

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Circles, Mathematical thinking

Lehrer-Kursbuch Statistik - Alles über Daten und Zahlen im Schulalltag

Ohne Zahlen und Daten geht im Schulalltag nichts! Leistungsdiagnose und -beurteilung sowie Notenspiegel sind nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Aber viele Lehrer haben sich nie mit Statistik besc…

Publisher: Cornelsen Verlag

Editor: Gerhard Eikenbusch, Timo Leuders

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Mathematikaufgaben selbst entwickeln - Lernen fördern - Leistung überprüfen

Aufgaben im Mathematikunterricht haben viele Funktionen: Die Schüler/innen entdecken Zusammenhänge, üben Fertigkeiten, festigen bereits Gelerntes. (9. Auflage)

Publisher: Cornelsen Verlag

Author: Andreas Büchter, Timo Leuders

Topic:  Mathematics

Qualität im Mathematikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I und II

Dieses Praxishandbuch gibt Einblick in wichtige neue Entwicklungen und Positionen. Es stellt praxiserprobte Verfahren vor, die die Qualitätsmerkmale eines guten Mathematikunterrichts begrün…

Publisher: Cornelsen Verlag

Author: Timo Leuders

Topic:  Mathematics

Bézierkurven: gezeichnet und gerechnet

Inhalt: 1 Einführung: Design und Kurven / 2 Geometrischer Zugang: Die Konstruktion / 3 Analytischer Zugang: Die Parameterdarstellung / 4 Bézierflächen
Bézierflächen sind mathematisch erzeu…

Publisher: Orell Füssli Verlag

Author: Baoswan Dzung Wong